Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Le 14 Juillet...

 Not sure why it is, but tend to find myself more geeked about somebody else's "party". Don't get me wrong, July 4th will always find me cold beer-ing, b-b-q wolfing, and spitting out the requisite ooooh's and ahhhh's as the sky is mapped out in explosive streaks and color. But stateside for yesterday's Bastille Day found us with two dozen assembled for the Sunday supper, an abundance of food and wines, along with the chance to raise a glass or two to a good guy celebrating a special birthday. The blowing out of the candle marked a fine feast, but also offered a bit of a symbolic salute several thousand miles east to a France more than likely already asleep.

Roasted wild salmon with a sweet corn and
summer squash gratin
 Funny thing is, our experience in the French countryside has been that of... Well, not indifference to the holiday, but not a fervent celebration either. There are no doubt observances, barbecues are fired up, tables line gardens, and people gather as you might expect. But, there's also a... calm. Perhaps the most notable fête marking independence we've experienced in our years in the Poitou-Charente was one thrown in our honor, the first year we took possession of the property. Neighbors invited us, served a menu relatively american in its flair: potato salad, merguez in place of hot dogs, fruit gallettte in place of pies, and, testing a shaky mind, I believe there were even deviled eggs as well.
 Might be as simple as having more interest in celebrating someone else's special day than your own. In the case of  hours spent with tables full, food and wine flowing, and French music in the air, we had the pleasure of raising glasses to a friend who was present, and those back in Charmé.

Recipes and Wine Notes available on request.
Chez Gautier Cooking School: http://www.chez-gautier.com

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