Monday, January 31, 2011

Rainy Sunday...

 Few things are better than waking to the smell of bread baking. There was a heavy rain hammering the old industrial sky light atop our place in San Francisco when I pushed out of the sheets Sunday to find Katie in full baking mode. The kitchen table was covered in chewy Ginger Squares, and she was just pulling out three loaves of baggette rustique. Not normally one to follow recipes (a must in baking), she doesn't bake often. But, with rain meant to last the day, out came the ideas along with the flour. The bread still hot, confiture d'abricot (made from our little apricot tree in Charmé), butter, and a steaming bowl of coffee with milk... Ah. Happy Sunday!
 A close second to oven fresh bread: tartine. A long length of bread dotted in butter, broiled golden, then put together with... Well, with whatever you like. In my case this Monday a.m., it was a creamy St André and some of Kate's preserved fig which she'd "put up" at the end of August for just this reason. A taste of Summer on a cold, foggy Winter's morning.
  Those wax paper packages under glass are some of the Ginger Squares, tied up for "delivery" to friends. (Recipes on request.)

Chez Gautier Cooking School:

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